Why You Should Get Treatment in Winter vs Summer

Granddaughter,Walking,With,Senior,Woman,In,Park,Wearing,Winter,Clothing.You may be seeing more about vein procedures this time of year for a very important reason. There are several benefits you get to enjoy when you get vein treatment in January, February, or at least before the summer months. Find out why Dr. Oswalt recommends that you time vein procedures for colder months.

1. Better Healing

Compression stockings are an essential piece of the healing process. They fit tight to help the legs’ blood flow. They reduce swelling and pain while promoting healing.

However, they also hold in heat and feel less comfortable as days get warmer. You might be less inclined to wear them than you should. Additionally, excess heat slows the healing process, so recovery time takes longer as soon as late spring. Here in Fort Worth, it’s already topping 90° F by May, so you don’t want stockings adding to that heat.

2. Protect Legs from the Sun

The legs will be more sensitive to light post-surgery. Sun exposure can cause permanent discoloration. Because you’re more likely to wear long pants in cooler months, you can conceal compression stockings and reduce the chance sunlight reaches your legs while they heal.

3. You Can Look Forward to Summer Trips and Activities

During the healing process, you’ll have bruising and temporary discoloration you may want to cover. But because you got vein treatment in the winter months, you have summertime to look forward to. By then, you’ll be able to see the final effects of your procedure. Plus, you can keep your summer vacation plans and even wear shorts or summer dresses you avoided before because you felt uncomfortable about the appearance or the feel of your legs before the treatments.

Get Ready for Summer Legs

Don’t wait. Winter is the best time to get vein treatment in Fort Worth, TX. To see if you’re a good candidate for vein treatments, call 817-536-9600 to set up a consultation with Dr. Oswalt at the Forth Worth Vein Center. The team can’t wait to help you feel great about your legs.

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Fort Worth Vein Center

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